Visual Arts
At The RCC

The RCC is committed to developing and presenting Visual Arts experiences through three mediums; in-person, online, and in the community.


The RCC has one of the finest art white cube galleries in Ireland. The exhibition policy is deliberately broad and audience centred.

The main aim is to offer local people and visitors a variety of high-quality arts experiences that are likely to be of interest to them. The RCC is also committed to exploring issues of local and wider interest through the medium of the exhibition.

This context-specific approach is manifested in a commitment to commissioning and showing high-quality work from locally connected artists and art projects and in the wide variety of media and disciplines featured, including contemporary art, craft, design, architecture, education, social history, disability, and health.

The centre curates and commissions new exhibitions and selects touring exhibitions and exhibition proposals that are consistent with this audience centred philosophy.

The RCC has three main exhibition spaces: Gallery 1 on the first floor, the Foyer Gallery and Gallery 2 on the ground floor. Gallery 1 caters primarily for national/international group exhibitions and major solo shows. The ground floor Foyer Gallery and Gallery 2 cater mainly for emerging artists of promise, small-scale solo shows and community and education art exhibitions.

The RCC has a strong focus on developing online exhibition projects. It continuously works with leading digital media cultural practitioners to explore new innovative methods of creating and presenting contemporary artworks.


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Visual Arts Programme

Sat Dec 7, 6:00 pm
Sat Jan 25, 5:00 pm
Fri Jan 17, 7:00 pm
Sat Mar 1, 5:00 pm
Sat Feb 8, 2:00 pm
Sat Mar 22, 5:00 pm

Artist Development

The RCC has a strong commitment to developing emerging artists and curators of promise and continuously assists in long-term practice development.

Each year, the RCC’s visual art advisory panel nominates artists to exhibit in the RCC’s Gallery 2 ‘incubator’ space. These artists are guided by the RCC director and independent curators, offering curatorial guidance and assistance in designing a practice development plan and a clear pathway to further large-scale solo exhibitions and commission opportunities.

In 2021, the RCC and Artlink launched the Donegal Visual Artist Network. This collaborative artist network identifies development opportunities for Donegal-based artists through needs analysis sessions and programme regular online and in-person development workshops.

In 2022, the RCC launched the inaugural Emerging/Early-Career Curator Residency Award. This six-month programme is designed to assist in the development of curators of promise by offering them both mentorship and practical experience.

Visual Artist Developement

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