& Engage

The RCC has an extensive education and community arts programme. This includes a wide range of weekly community arts activities organised by Cara House Family Resource Centre and others, and regular workshops and events held by cultural, educational, community development and health organisations throughout the year.


The RCC helps to coordinate the Bealtaine Festival for Older People in Donegal in May of each year, which consists of over 100 events in partnership with DCC Cultural Services, Age & Opportunity and others. The RCC plays a significant role in a number of other festivals and events including Social Inclusion Week and Culture Night.


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Community Workshops & Events

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Music Education

Donegal Music Education Partnership (DMEP) is based in the RCC and the two organisations work closely together including the joint promotion of the RCC concert programme and the facilitation of the workshop programme to accompany the Music Network concert series.

DMEP offers group and individual tuition in a range of instruments. This tuition is largely held in the network of schools, colleges and centres operated by the Donegal Education and Training Board.

The RCC is home to the Donegal Youth Orchestra, Donegal Chamber Orchestra, Errigal Groove Orchestra, Junior and Youth Choirs and Errigal Singers.

For more info on music classes, music groups or Donegal musical life in general, contact Martin or John at the DMEP on 074 91 76293 or musiceducation@donegaletb.ie

Music Education

RCC for Kids

The centre organises schools’, children’s and family events including the annual Wainfest for children each October in partnership with DCC Cultural Services. Youth arts events in the RCC are organised in partnership with Donegal Youth Services, Donegal Youth Council and Donegal Travellers Project including the annual DYS Rock School each summer.

In March 2020, the RCC launched the RCC for Kids Facebook Groups where it shared the hugely successful ‘Home is Where The Art Is Challenge’, as featured on RTÉ SIX ONE News, an initiative which was launched as a means to help keep housebound children entertained in a fun and educational way. The group is still used to share initiatives and events for children.

Cruinniu na nOg 2021


Wainfest is an annual week-long, countywide arts and book festival dedicated to children across Donegal. Since its inception in 1996 the festival has grown from strength to strength and is one of the highlights in the Donegal County Council’s calendar of events. Wainfest plays a pivotal role for schools and homeschoolers in the area allowing them to access the very best in children’s performances.


Active Retirement

Letterkenny Active Retirement is part of a national network of local active retirement associations that helps retired people to enjoy a full and active life and to advocate for them. Letterkenny Active Retirement meets monthly at the RCC and supports retired people with new opportunities around hobbies, leisure activities and education.

You can contact Active Retirement Ireland to find your local active retirement association for information on Letterkenny Active Retirement contact Dorothy McCullagh (Secretary) mccullaghd@gmail.com

Active Retirement

Bealtaine Festival

Bealtaine is Ireland’s national festival every May which celebrates the arts and creativity as we age. The festival is run by Age & Opportunity, the leading national development organisation working to enable the best possible quality of life for us all as we age. The RCC coordinates the Bealtaine Festival in Donegal, which consists of over 100 events in partnership with DCC Cultural Services, Age & Opportunity and others.


Intercultural Platform

The Donegal Intercultural Platform is an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO) made up of individual members & affiliated organisations who are committed to building inclusion and equality in Donegal, in promoting human rights and challenging discrimination and racism. They hold regular members meetings, debates, and discussions. Join or affiliate now!

Intercultural Platform

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