A 60-minute documentary, directed by award-winning filmmaker Bob Gallagher, featuring Ian Lynch (Lankum/Fire Draw Near), Ye Vagabonds and The Henry Girls arranging and singing six songs from Clonmany and Buncrana singers: Roseanne McGonigle, Dan McGonigle, Mary Ann Canny, Corney McDaid, and a visitor to Inishowen, Ardara singer Packie Manus Byrne. The recordings are framed within Inishowen’s stunning landscape, interwoven with atmospheric archival recordings of the original singers, and interviews with contemporary members of the Inishowen song community.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director Bob Gallagher & Inishowen Traditional Singers’ Circle.
Letterkenny Trad Week is presented by the Regional Cultural Centre & An Grianán Theatre with the kind support of Donegal County Council & Arts Council Ireland.