Donegal County Council’s Culture and Creativity Team are pleased to announce an open call for Donegal-based community groups, organisations, and individuals to submit applications for the Donegal Culture & Creativity Project Awards Scheme 2025. These awards are offered as part of Donegal County Council’s Creative Communities Programme.
The Scheme offers 25 project awards of €2,000 each to support new initiatives that foster engagement between communities and arts, culture, creativity, or heritage professionals. We welcome applications from those who have not previously engaged with Creative Ireland, and those who have and wish to engage in new and creative ways.
These projects can focus on engaging, exploring, sharing, preserving, or promoting culture, heritage, creativity, arts or technology in creative and imaginative ways, such as through performances, workshops, exhibitions, training, conservation actions or research. A key element of your application should be the engagement with the public or a targeted group.
This funding opportunity is being made available through the Creative Ireland programme which is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and Donegal County Council.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 28th February at 4pm. No late applications can be accepted.
Download Culture and Creativity Project Awards Guidelines here
Apply Online at
or download and e-mail a Culture and Creativity Project Award Scheme Application Form 2025
Applications are welcome either online, using the application link above or by e-mail by completing the Word version of the application form.
There will be an online information session by the Creative Communities Engagement Officer, Daithí Ramsay, on Tuesday 18th February at 7pm. To register for it email